Actividades de Defensa de Políticas

Como organización no gubernamental sin ánimo de lucro, la Free Software Foundation Europe trabaja para crear un entendimiento general y un apoyo al Software Libre y los Estándares Abiertos. Las siguientes actividades son acciones concretas que realizamos en las áreas de concienciación pública, defensa de políticas y apoyo legal.

Desde su fundación en 2001, la FSFE ha estado trabajando cada día para promover el Software Libre en Europa y más allá. Con nuestras actividades concretas, basadas en los tres pilares de nuestro trabajo, nos centramos en proteger y ampliar los derechos de los usuarios. Algunas de nuestras acciones duran muchos años, otras tienen objetivos a corto plazo, pero todas forman parte de nuestra misión: capacitar a los usuarios el control de la tecnología.

Otra parte importante de nuestro trabajo consiste en el compromiso continuo y el trabajo de fondo. Estamos presentes en decenas de conferencias al año, apoyamos y mantenemos una excelente comunidad y la dotamos de recursos útiles. Además, somos un punto de contacto de referencia para todas las preguntas y consultas sobre la libertad del software, los Estándares Abiertos y los derechos de los usuarios. También proporcionamos recursos educativos básicos sobre cuestiones legales y de licencias de Software Libre.

Necesitamos un cambio político para fortalecer el Software Libre. Aprenda más sobre cómo logramos esto.

  • Logo of ¿Dinero Público? ¡Código Público!

    ¿Dinero Público? ¡Código Público!

    ¿Por qué el software creado con el dinero de los contribuyentes no se publica como Software Libre? Queremos una legislación que exija que el software financiado con fondos públicos y desarrollado para el sector público se ponga a disposición del público bajo una licencia de Software Libre y de Código Abierto. Si se trata de dinero público, debería ser también código público. El código pagado por el ciudadano debe estar disponible para el ciudadano.

  • Logo of Device Neutrality

    Device Neutrality

    Although digital devices are ubiquitous today, the number of devices on which users cannot run Free Software is exponentially increasing. The consequence is an increased loss of control over users’ technology. Device Neutrality aims to enable end-users to bypass gatekeepers to have a non-discriminatory use of Free Software on their devices.

  • Logo of Digital Markets Act

    Digital Markets Act

    Device Neutrality is the policy concept to regulate monopoly over devices and re-establish end-user control over their digital equipment. The Digital Markets Act (DMA) regulates the economic activity of large digital platforms and introduces Device Neutrality in the EU legislation, fostering access to Free Sofware in Devices.

  • Logo of Router Freedom

    Router Freedom

    Although we should be free to choose the technical devices we use in our private lives, some European Internet Service Providers are dictating which device their customers have to use to connect to the Internet, or discriminating against owners of alternative devices. This undermines our basic freedom of choice.

Más Actívidades de Políticas

  • Logo of Radio Lockdown Directive

    Radio Lockdown Directive

    An EU regulation may make it impossible to install a custom piece of software on most radio devices like WiFi routers, smartphones, and embedded devices. It requires hardware manufacturers to implement a barrier that disallows users to install any software which has not been certified by them. We are working to avoid the expected negative implications on user rights and Free Software, security, fair competition, the environment, and charitable community initiatives.

  • Logo of Electoral Activities

    Electoral Activities

    What better time is there to ask politicians about their stance on Free Software and Open Standards than in the time before an election? We believe that we can and should make these topics an issue in all elections, be it on a European, national, regional, or local level. Depending on the electoral system and culture, there are different strategies and tools we use: Ask Your Candidates a set of questions, the Digital-O-Mat online tool, the Freedomvote online platform, and the Let's Promise pledges.

  • Software Patents in Europe

    We are working towards a world where software does what software users want it to do. For this, software users must be able to participate in the development and distribution of the software. Software patents block this goal by adding legal and financial risks to software development and distribution and by giving the patent holders legal power to completely prohibit software developers from using the patented ideas.

  • PDFreaders

    With the PDFreaders campaign we turn the spotlight on government organisations who advertise proprietary PDF readers, exposing how frequent such advertisements for non-free software are. With the help of activists across Europe, we contacted these organisations and explained to them how to improve their websites so that they respect our freedom. On we present Free Software PDF readers for all major operating systems.

  • Microsoft vs. EU Antitrust CaseTerminado

    In 2001 the European Union started investigating Microsoft's dominant position in the market for desktop operating systems. The FSFE played two key roles in this case. First, we represented the interests of Free Software developers. Second, we are a public interest organisation who cannot be bought off. Thanks to the excellent work by all involved parties, the case has been won in all rulings up to the European Court of Justice in 2012.

  • Unlock Education in the NetherlandsTerminado

    We want to enable all citizens to have free access to education and all other public institutions, both online and offline. We wish to achieve this by pushing for a mandatory use of Open Standards and guaranteed platform-independent access to all materials required in the public educational system. This allows students and parents to use Free Software, enabling them to tap into their potential for personal growth and development, without being made dependent of a company. This activity was specifically aimed at the Dutch education sector.

  • 7th EC Framework Programme (FP7)Terminado

    The European Commission funds research and development through official framework programmes (FP for short). From 2007 these framework programmes were used to select projects for support until 2013. The FSFE played a central role in supported projects related to Free Software.

  • Internet Governance Forum (IGF)Terminado

    The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a global policy discussion forum of the United Nations, established as an outcome of the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). FSFE followed the IGF to ensure that policy discussions will not endanger digital freedom in general and Free Software in particular.

  • MS-OOXMLTerminado

    Since the very beginning of the standardisation process for Microsoft's Office Open XML - OOXML (hereinafter MS-OOXML), the FSFE has expressed serious doubts about whether MS-OOXML could be considered as open, if even as a standard at all. The FSFE first raised the issue in the community and led the movement against the standardisation of MS-OOXML, following closely over the years the relevant developments.

  • IPRED2Terminado

    A second directive on the enforcement of "intellectual property rights" was proposed by the European Commission. It aims to criminalise all "intentional, commercial-scale" infringements, and to allow rights-holders to take part investigations. The FSFE pointed out to the EU institutions how such laws encourage abuse of the legal system and have chilling effects on law-abiding activities.

  • World Intellectual Property OrganizationTerminado

    The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is one of the 16 specialized agencies of the United Nations system of organisations. Its role is administrating 23 international treates dealing with different aspects of limited monopolies on knowledge. As an observer to WIPO and together with a global coalition of other players with similar goals, FSFE worked towards reshaping it as a "World Intellectual Wealth Organisation."

  • World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)Terminado

    The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) was a two-summit UN conference organised by the ITU at which important cornerstones for the information and knowledge society were proposed to be laid. The FSFE participated along with other civil societies to make sure that the principles of the digital age would protect digital freedom, sharing of knowledge, access to information, and Free Software.

  • 6th EC Framework Programme (FP6)Terminado

    Funding of research and development by the European Commission is usually done within the "framework programmes" (FPs). These last for four years and FP6 started officially on December 17th, 2002. The FSFE sought to help with Free Software related activities in FP6.

  • Classification of Free Software as a World Cultural HeritageTerminado

    The objectives were to have Free Software classified as an intangible world cultural heritage by UNESCO, and registered in the World Memory Register (another UNESCO project). The Free Software community and UNESCO share the same values of freedom, equality, and fraternity. Such a recognition would be a great promotion of Free Software.

  • EUCD - Copyright extensions that harmTerminado

    The European Copyright Directive (EUCD) was the European equivalent of the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). These laws not only lead to the creation of monopolies and cartels, they also provide serious impediments to the Freedoms of speech and press, as they provide means for digital censorship. The FSFE was actively involved in the resistance against such harmful legislation.